Ambassador Carmon on passing away of Lt Gen Jacob

Ambassador Carmon on Passing Away of Lt.Gen.Jacob

    Following the passing away of Jacob-Farj-Rafael "JFR" Jacob today, Ambassador Daniel Carmon said:
    “Earlier today, Lieutenant General JFR Jacob (retd) passed away. This is a very sad news for us all.
    JFR Jacob, a proud son of the Jewish community of India, was born in 1923 in Kolkata, where his family which came from Baghdad, settled.
    General Jacob will always be remembered in India and around the world as the Indian commander who negotiated the surrender of Pakistani troops in Dhaka following the 1971 Liberation War. His service to India had been an extraordinary one in which he was part of some of India’s most crucial moments.
    For many years, the General has been a staunch supporter of India-Israel relations and visited Israel a number of times. He shall forever be remembered as a human bridge between our peoples.
    I have no doubt that everyone who has been part of this journey of “India-Israel relations” will continue to cherish General Jacob and his invaluable contribution for the making and developing Indo-Israel relationship.
    Rest in Peace JFR Jacob, an Indian war hero, a proud Jew and a great friend of Israel.”